How to Make Yummy Frozen Mustard Greens
Frozen Mustard Greens. But their peppery flavor makes them excellent candidates for Asian and Indian dishes, pairing nicely with rice and things like sesame oil, cumin and ginger. Explore this item Steps to Make It Cook bacon just until almost crisp; add onion and sauté until onion is tender and bacon is crisp.

Directions In a large pan with straight sides on medium heat add the oil.
Drain and pat the greens dry with a paper towl Greens seem to dominate everywhere.
A few of my favorite combos are kale with white beans, mustard greens with lentils, turnip greens with black eyed peas, and beet greens (yes—the top of the beets!) with garbanzo beans. How to Prep Mustard Greens Wash greens just before using in a large bowl of lukewarm water in order to dislodge sand and dirt. Sautéing is the best method for maximum flavor, as it will help to preserve the taste and texture (nobody likes mushy, flavorless greens).